Obligatory Random Post
So it's almost 11:30. Tomorrow I get my permit, and Wednesday I start work at Toys "R" Us. For once, I'm actually amped about the next few days.
Go watch Road to Perdition. Right now. NOW.
That is all, kids. Stay off the streets; I'm there.
I'm back...
Yeah, so I got back today from Cape May. And I have to tell you, it was a pretty uneventful week.
What happened? Let's see: Now some of you may be shocked at that last 0ne, but I sadly have to admit it's the truth. There are times when I think my family's the greatest, but whenever we're cooped up together for an extended period of time, I get antsy.
So, to anyone who I've ever really talked to, know that I was thinking about getting back home to hang out. And to anyone who does want to hang out, give me a call (if you don't have my number, get it from one of my friends), shoot me an e-mail (inferi at gmail.com), or IM me (OrisDeInferi), as I'd love to hang out with everyone at some point this summer, instead of typing blog updates and reviews. Wait. Did I just say that? No I didn't.
Take care, kids.
A message board?
Yeah, I made a message board. It's just my little corner of the internet, so go ahead and register and do crap. It's partially temporary, until the vague point in the future when I get my own website and forum.
Enjoy, kids.